Details on Current Matters within the United Methodist Church
FROM: Newnan First United Methodist Education & Communication Group
PURPOSE: To provide an opportunity for questions to be submitted in preparation for the upcoming Sanctuary Talk on Tuesday, October 25.
We encourage you to first read over the Newnan First UMC Questions & Answers Booklet on the Details On Current Matters within the United Methodist Church.
Intentionally be in loving conversation with others in the congregation, especially those whose perspectives may be different from your own. Then, attend the Sanctuary Talk being held on Tuesday, October 25 at 6:30 pm. Your questions are welcome, and your voice is valued. We want to hear from you with any questions relating to this booklet.
We ask that your questions be submitted by October 12 in order to allow time for our leaders to gather the correct information. Access to the Booklet and to the Online Question Link is below.
Attend the Current Matters for Newnan First UMC meeting in the Sanctuary. This meeting will include our Pastors, Board of Trustees and Council President, as well as retired pastor and former chair of the North Georgia Board of Trustees, John Simmons.
Newnan First UMC Sanctuary Talk
Current Matters for Newnan First UMC
Tuesday, October 25 | Sanctuary | 6:30 pm
Please join us!
Who is reviewing the questions submitted?
Our Pastors will work with the Education and Communication Committee, our Council President, and the Board of Trustees to answer questions related to their area of expertise.
Who will see my name, information, and question?
The questions will be collected, and your name will not be linked to your questions when the questions are reviewed.
How can I fill it out and return it?
This page contains both online and paper access to the form to submit questions. The Q & A Booklet is also available on this page. You can fill out the electronic copy OR download a paper copy. Paper copies are also available in the Narthex and outside of the main church office, Collection boxes for the paper copies are in the Narthex and outside of the church office.
When are the questions due?
October 12, this will allow enough time for Church leadership to gather information to answer your questions.
If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please email Rev. Andrew Chappell at achappell@newnanfumc.org.