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"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me..." Matthew 25:35

This is an opportunity to serve our sisters and brothers in Christ through partnership with One Roof Ministries. These take place every third Sunday.*

Bring those items with you to church on Sunday as noted and place them at the communion rail and altar area. We will pray over the items and their recipients and send them off! If you cannot bring those items on Sunday, we have a designated drop-off point in the Gathering Room (104). Simply bring them by the church! This is just one way we are working to love our community. Will you join us?

*There is a hiatus from these collections during Lent. For ways to give before Easter, please check out our "Give It Up For Lent' section of the mission opportunities.

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